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samedi 18 décembre 2010

- HALAL BUSINESS : la Malaisie , d' accord pour importer de la viande d'animaux étourdies confirme les autorités de Nouvelle Zélande -

Nouvelle Zélande /Malaisie :
La Nouvelle Zélande et sa viande provenant d'animaux etourdies espére un accès plus important au marché de la viande halal de Malaisie

Selon un accord signé cette semaine , la Nouvelle-Zélande indique qu'elle se conformera
aux exigences halal de Malaisie .
...L'arrangement convenu à cette occasion   " fournit un cadre qui concilie les lois halal
de la Malaisie aux exigences de la Nouvelle-Zélande bien-être animal, y compris
que toute la viande halal produite en Nouvelle-Zélande provient d'animaux
étourdis avant l'abattage,"déclarent les autorités de Nouvelle Zélande
Source NZ gains traction on access to Malaysia’s halal market Scoop News

Pour la signature de l'accord étaient présent du côté Malais :
Veterinary Services Department director-general Datuk Dr Abd Aziz Jamaluddin :
and he said with the signing of the Malaysia Meat and Meat Products Halal Requirements
(Overseas Market Access Notification) Notice 2010, Malaysians need no longer worry
about the halal status of meat and dairy products from New Zealand.
Read + : Malaysia, NZ ink agreement on halal certification

Malaysia follow strict halal regulations ? or making deal with halal specifications ?

...Veterinary Services Department director-general Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Jamaluddin
 said starting from January the New Zealand government would provide abattoirs
according to Malaysian specifications and see that they are followed.
“The Veterinary Services De­­partment and Jakim will conduct annual audit visits to
the abattoirs concerned and place an officer there full-time for better monitoring,”
he said at a press conference after the signing of the agreement here yesterday.

Abdul Aziz and Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) halal hub
director-general Zainal Abidin Jaffar signed on behalf of Malaysia while New
Zealand was represented by its Agriculture and Forestry director-general Wayne
McNee and High Commissioner to Malaysia David Kersey.

Abdul Aziz said New Zealand used to export to Malaysia lamb and beef from over
30 abattoirs but the number had reduced to 14 after it was found the others did not
comply with halal specifications here. He said New Zealand officials approached
the department and Jakim a few years ago to look  into ways to increase exports to Malaysia.

Abdul Aziz said Malaysia currently depended on Islamic associations and councils
in exporting countries to monitor the abattoirs and ensure they adhere to standards.
“Having an agreement with the government provides for better control in ensuring
they follow our strict halal regulations and we plan to use this agreement as a model
to negotiate similar ones with the other exporting countries,” he said.
Source : http://www.smecorp.gov.my/node/1769

Note :
Le marché mondial des aliments halal est estimée à US $ 635 milliards par an /source
communiqué presse Nouvelle Zélande

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